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Home :: Cichlids General

  New Specialist Fish Store Redruth, Cornwall

Description: Our NEW store is NOW OPEN!

8-10 Green Lane
TR15 1JU

Current stock list:
Community fish:
Silver Dollars XL £10 each or 5 for £40
Giant Indian Gouramis £4.50 each
Assorted Gouramis XL £7.99 each
Assorted Gouramis M £5.99 each
Moonlight Gouramis L £7.99
Red Finned Columbian Tetra XXL £4 each or 3 for £10
Danios XXL £4 each or 3 for £10
Neon Tetras £1 each or 6 for £5
Neons XXL £2 each or 6 for £10
Kissing Gourami £3.99
Ember Tetra £1.50 each or 4 for £5
Red Phantom Tetras £1.80 each or 4 for £6
Black Widow £1.80 each or 4 for £6
Assorted Platy £1.50 each or 4 for £5
Assorted Molly(including sailfins) £2.20 each or 3 for £6
Royal Emperors £1.80 each or 4 for £6
Tiger Barbs 8 for £8
Rummy Nose £2 each or 6 for £10
Albino Paradise Fish £3.99

XXL Featherfins £15
Featherfin Catfish S £4.99
Assorted Corydoras L £5.99
Talking Catfish L £12.99
Whiptail Catfish £12.99
Spotted Raphael Catfish £4.99

Bristlenose L £5.99 each or 2 for £10
Commons M £3.99

Kribs £4 each or 4 for £10
Oscars £5.99
Red Devils £5.99
Texas £8.99
Jaguar £5.99
Synspilum £6.99
Salvini £6.99
Blue Acara £4.99
Festivium £4.49
Red Hump Geo £10
Fire Mouths £5.29
Green Terrors £5.29
Flowerhorns £8.99
Vieja Regani Large £15
Angel Fish S £4.29
Angel Fish L £9.99
Curviceps £5.49
Large Tiger Oscar £15
Extra Large Chocolate Cichlid £20
Extra Large Blood Parrots £20 each or 2 for £30

Red Snakeheads £9.99
Needle Gar Fish £13.99
Fire Eels £9.99
Leopard Bush Fish £6.99
Motoro Stingray £120
Transparent KnifeFish £9.99
Red Tailed Shark £4
Flying Fox XL £6
Clown Fish L £6.99
Albino Paradise £3.99

Larger Fish:
Stingray £120
Silver Dollars XL £10 or 5 for £40
Feather Fin Synos XXL £15
Common Plecs XL £15
Tinfoil Barbs £12.50 each or 2 for £20
Large Tiger Oscar £15
Extra Large Rusty Plec L077 £20
Extra Large Sailfin Plec £15
Extra Large Chocolate Cichlid £20
Extra Large Blood Parrots £20 each or 2 for £30

Massive range of specialist foods in store at amazing prices! Our food is of our own brand! So we keep prices as low as possible for our customers!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Cornwall Cichlid Centre
Telephone: 07826916565
Town: Redruth
County: Cornwall
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/09/14 Views: 2872]

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