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  ><((((º> Four Grade A Manacapuru Marble Angel Fish. 6 month old fish for only £1.60 each ><((((º> Leyland

><((((º> Four Grade A Manacapuru Marble Angel Fish. 6 month old fish for only £1.60 each ><((((º> Leyland

><((((º> Four Grade A Manacapuru Marble Angel Fish. 6 month old fish for only £1.60 each ><((((º> Leyland

><((((º> Four Grade A Manacapuru Marble Angel Fish. 6 month old fish for only £1.60 each ><((((º> Leyland

><((((º> Four Grade A Manacapuru Marble Angel Fish. 6 month old fish for only £1.60 each ><((((º> Leyland

Description: HI , I have bred many varieties of fish for 25 years now, selling to shops and garden centers and other various outlets throughout the area, I have recently scaled down from a 32 tank set up to just a hand full of tanks to specialize in Angelfish and Discus.
All my fish are good quality, bred in my fish house in Leyland. They are the finest 6 month old Manacapuru marbled Angelfish,

They are not a month old like you can buy else where which are far too young to sell.

I have four fish left available in my stock tank you can examine the fish once bagged to ensure the quality of the fish.

Purchased fish are your responsibility to care for so make sure you know how to transport your fish and how to safely put them

into your tank stress free. Advice is available on collection or for more info just ask

The fish range in body size from a pound coin to a two pound coin, any larger ones are shipped off to the local fish shops.

The last few phots are of older fish to give you an idea how they will look in a few months.

Please only get in touch asking to pay less than £6.40 for four fish if you like being ignored, Thanks for looking Baz 07747790402

Contact Information
Advertiser: thefishforyou
Telephone: 07747790402
Town: Leyland
County: Lancashire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/10/17 Views: 3289]

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