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  Wanted; All Aquarium Equipment, Supplies, Tanks, Breeding Setup

Description: I'm working on converting my Garage into a Fish Room, and need the equipment to go in.

So if you have anything you're willing to part with for free or cheap, I'd be interested.

Ideally I'd be looking to get;

18" cubes tanks - for breeding Discus.
48" Length, 24" high, 20" deep. - Pair and Growing on tanks.
Then I'm looking at all tanks you got or/plus racks and sumps etc...

Need lighting - ideally spotlights.
Need Filtering - pond, Eazy Pods, Externals, Internals, sponge filters... Connections, Sumps etc...
Discus Breeding Cones.
Plec Breeding Caves.
Co2 Units
RO Units
Pond Air Pumps - supports a lot of lines.

Basically anything you think that will be of use in a Breeding Fish Room set up.

Email me with what you got, preferably with Pictures and must be near Dolgellau, North Wales or within 80miles.

Looking to set this breeding set up for Wild Discus and Plecs.

I am willing to collect.

Thank you all,

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jesse Crystal
Telephone: 01341450333
Town: Dolgellau
County: Merioneth

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/04/10 Views: 2189]

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