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Home :: Cichlids General

  South American Cichlids - VERY rare - many available

Description: due to a planned house move, I will be selling all my fish in the next 3 months or so.
This is a very rare collection I built up over years of dedication:

Uaru Fernandezyepezi 7 inch £120 each - Sold
Uaru Fernandezyepezi 3-4 inch £40 each - Sold
Hoplarchus Psittacus 10-12 inches (6) £50 each
Satanoperca Daemon 6-7 inches poss pair £40 will not split
Geophagus Pindare Male 7 inches £10 - sold
Heros sp Manause Pair HUGE male breed every 3 weeks £40 will not split
Biotodom Wavrini 8 young adults - sexing out £15 each
Satanoperca Daemon 4 inches £10 each - sold
Guianacara Sphenozona group (wild female, plus 3 F1's) £20 - sold
Crenicichla Regani wild pair £20
Crenicichla Notopthalmus revers trio, wild (very large) £30 - sold
Geophagus Surinamensis (8) (true surinamensis F1 from rio Marone) 3inches £20 each
Geophagus aff Altifrons sp Xingu Wild breeding group (6) 6-7 inches £120 group will not split - sold
Geophagus aff Altifrons sp Nhamunda wild juveniles 4 inches (8) £100 will not split
Biotodoma cupido wild young adults 3-4inches!! not sexing out yet (10) £20 each (these may be withdrawn)
Crenichla Marmorata wild (3) 6 inches £30 (may be withdrawn)
Satanoperca Lilith 1 fish wild 5 inches £5 (when taken with something else)- sold
Heros sp rotkeil f1 breeding pair £30 - sold
Geophagus sp Bahia Blue - poss pair 5 inches £20
Seatocranius Irvinie poss trio - male 5 inches, 2 @4 inches £25 - sold
Gymnogeophagus Balzani Breeding pair v large £15 - sold
Gymnogeophagus Balzani young poss trio 2.5 inches £15
Acarichys Hecklie Pair plus likely male - poss bred £40 group
Crenicichla ap Atabapo bonded pair. - sold Male is huge. Both have had hole in the head. Serious offers only, if you know what they are and are interested please contact me.
Guianacara sp Rio Caroni large group of juveniles £20 - sold

Contact Information
Advertiser: Richard
Telephone: na
Town: Cheshire
County: Cheshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:13/12/08 Views: 3601]

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