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Home :: Marine Fish


Description: I have had my large Marine aquarium for a year and no longer have the time to mainitain it so i have decided to sell it, everything was carefully purchased from top Marine specialists, I am prepared to either sell everything he list and let me know what you are interested in. Buyer collects from Waltham Abbey, Essex:

The price listed is for what is described on each line of the ad ie: £30 for all 4 Blue Damsels:

Please note all these fish are currently a happy community so a great purchase for those wanting to introduce a large selection of compatible fish in one go - and at a very good price! Lovely fish!

5 X Med Humbugs - £40
3 X Large Dominos - £30
1 X Blue (redtooth) Trigger - £20
4 X Med Blue Damselfish - £30
4 X Large Green Chromis - £30
1 X Juvenile Emperor Angel - £40
1 X Large Regal Tang - £40

2 X Atlantic Anenomes - £15

Live Rock - good price depending on how much you want by generally £5 per Kilo - Nice and mature -Collection only

HC500 Chiller (£450 value) - £200

Cleair Oceanic (Modified) original cost £1200 130 gallon acrylic double sided bow 150cm wide, 160cm high X 54cm tank on pedistal (fair condition, still looks amazing - extras) - £300

T5 lighting for above tank - £50

also: other bits that can be cleaned (in use) selection of powerheads, UV filter, pumps, hoses, heater, many small accessories.

This aquarium has literally cost thousands to put together, I am selling all of the above at a very low price.

All interested parties please email:
or AOL IM: smnharris

Contact Information
Advertiser: Simon Harris
Town: Waltham Abbey
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/03/07 Views: 6426]

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