I am selling the following setup:
1 x Rena Aqualife Calvados Classic Fish Tank (Total volume 440 liters - 121 x 51 x 70.5 cm)
1 x Cabinet (Rena Aqualife Calvados Classic)
1 x 1,350 litters per hour external Rena Filstar xP Filter
2 x Fluval 404 external Canister Filers
3 x Ehiem Internal Water Pumps
2 x 200W Heaters
1 x 2000lph Ocean Runner pump, this drives the Chiller unit
1 x Aqua Medic Titan 500 Chiller unit
1 x 15w UV Steriliser
1 x Aquamedic Nirate Reductor 400
1 x Aquamedic Calcium Reactor 400 plus bubble counter, CO2 gauge and gas canister
1 x Deltec MC500 Protein Skimmer
1 x Miracle Mud Hang-on Refugium (They are miniature ecosystems that continuously provide live foods and plankton to the aquarium. A relatively new technology)
1 x Automatic, programmable Fish Feeder
80 KG of Premium Live Rock
1 x Arcadia Series 3, Twin 150W (14,000k) Metal Halide lights
1 x Automatic Fresh water top of system
1 x 4 Stage reverse osmosis 50Gph unit
2 x Belkin 1200va Uninterruptible Power Supplies
1 x Complete comprehensive Test Kits
1 x Yellow Chromis
1 x Cleaner Wrass
1 x Longfin Cardinalfish
1 x Clearfin Lionfish (excellent specimen)
1 x Blacklip Butterflyfish
1 x Purple Firefish
1 x Sandsifter Starfish
2 x Red Starfish
2 x Red / Blood Shrimp
1 x Hugh Green Brittle Star
3 x Vary large Turbo Snails
A number of smaller Turbo Snails
A few small Hermit Carbs
3 x Large Finger Coral
1 x Green Gonipora
A number of Rocks full of different Mushrooms
2 x Very Large Mass of Star Polyps
1 x Mouse Ear
1 x Trumpet Coral
1 x Moon Coral
1 x Mass of Gold Button Polyps
1 x Metallic Green Coral
4 x Pulsing Zenia
1 x Bubble Coral
1 x Orange Sponge
21 x Mango Plants
Plus a load of other corals / mushrooms that I haven’t identified
There are also foods, chemical spare pumps all included everything you will need.
Due to a change in occupation and a pending new addition to the family I am reluctantly selling my compete Marine Aquarium. Please call me on my mobile 07989439957 should you have any further questions.
Please note that due to the size and sheer amount of equipment this item will need to be picked up in a large van.
Contact Information Advertiser: Richard Se Telephone: 07989439957
Town: Richmond
County: Surrey
Web Link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Complete-Marine-Aq ...
Map Link: http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?c ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/05/06 Views: 4768]
