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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Discus ,Altum ,corydoras,pleco ,geophegus ,potomotrygon.

Description: South America

Acarichthys heckelii ALBINO 1,5- 3" - 27£each

Corydoras pulcher WF 2.5-2,8" - 25£ each.

Corydoras duplicareus 1.5" - 12£ each.

Corydoras axelerodi 1.5" -6£ each

Corydoras delphax 2"- 8£

Corydoras rabinae 2" -13£

Geophagus winemilleri 2,5"-3,5" -22£

Geophagus altifrons Cameta -2 -2,5" 16£ each

Geophagus red head Tapajos -2" 10£ each.

Geophagus sveni 3"-3,5" 35£each

Geophagus altifrons Sao Felix-2"-3" 16£ each.

Geophagus altifrons ALENQUER 2"-3" 16each.

Geophagus brokopondo-2,5-3" 25£ each.

L333 Royal King Alenquer Yellow WF Curua-4"-6" 48£each

L333 black & white WF Xingu -4"-5" 76£each

L333 WF Xingu -4"-5" 48£each.

L387 wild- 2,5"-3" 30£ each

L136 Branco wild -2"-2,5" 52£each

L136B Branco wild -2"-2,5" 68£each

L066 2"-2,5" -23£each.

Potamotrygon leopoldi black diamond -4"-5"- 400£

Pterophyllum altum Orinoco
German breeding size M-L 55£

P. scalare Rio Nanay size M 15each .

Satanoperca daemon Inirida WF 4" -18£each

Discus red turquoise - alexandra Piwowarski line- 28£each

10% discount when buying a group of 6 fish.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Arthur
Telephone: 07788 441646
Town: Wolverhampton
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/07/20 Views: 1803]

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