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Clifton Discus premium discus fish food is all your discus need for optimum health, vigour and growth.
Our food is enjoyed by many many returning customers who wont feed anything else to their Discus now they know how good it is and how much their fish love it !. We feed all of our fish this food from very small and grow them up to adults on it. If you google "clifton discus" and take a look at our fish you will see why we recommend this food.
We have been keeping and breeding discus for over 20 years, and over this time have perfected the recipe to what it is today...DISCUS LOVE IT !!  and so do many other fish .
Full of premium ingredients to maximise the protein, vitamin and mineral content, consisting mainly of various types of sea food with added spirulina, and a couple of trade secret ingredients which make this food as good as it is. No added water, just pure solid nutrition. It will hold firm when defrosted so doesnt make a mess of your tank and can be hand fed.. Due to the nature of the food the fish digest it fully and very easily. Waste from the fish is minimal compared to other frozen foods.
Discus fish are well known for going off their food, we attribute this problem to the wrong diet being given in a lot of instances, this food is developed with this in mind and made from as near natural ingredients as possible to help alleviate this problem.
400 grams packed in a heat sealed slab for ultimate freshness. Store in freezer to keep frozen. We recommend breaking off enough food for the next day and let it defrost in the fridge overnight, feed, and then keep in fridge untill used max 2 days .
TRY IT...youll never go back !

Your order will be packed in a well insulated package, some thawing may take place during delivery, this is expected and perfectly fine as long as it is placed straight into freezer on arrival.

1 x 400 gram slab: £13.95 including free postage when you order 4 or more.

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Contact Information
Advertiser: Clifton discus
Telephone: 07931379337
Town: Tamworth
County: Staffordshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/04/24 Views: 1467]

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