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Home :: Discus

  stendker discus for sale

stendker discus for sale

stendker discus for sale

stendker discus for sale

stendker discus for sale

Description: prices from £59.99
various strains available

collection from ng21 0at or national delivery possible for additional charge

call joe on 01623 980300 for further details of place your order via our website

Why are STENDKER discus fish DIFFERENT?

Because over the course of more than 51 years of captive breeding in Germany they have acclimatised our discus fish to our German tap water, and because we feed them exclusively with our Good Heart feed. As a result, our STENDKER discus fish differ markedly from other discus fish. Asian captive-bred fish generally need a lot more water changes, for example, as they are raised without filters and therefore need more water to be changed much more often. Wild-caught fish have a completely different diet to our fish. With wild-caught fish, you also need to observe the 50 litres per fish rule, as it is much easier to emulate natural water quality in an aquarium with a lower fish density

Discus Aquariums for First-Time Aquarium Owners

A very easy and straightforward way of keeping discus fish is to keep a group of 10 or more small discus fish in a standard aquarium, of around 180-240 litres. This aquarium size is ideal for rearing juvenile fish. The simplest method for successfully maintaining a discus aquarium is to refrain from keeping companion fish and live plants (risk of contaminations). Ideally, the fish should be moved to a larger aquarium after some time, when they have reached a small adult size


Becoming slightly territorial when breeding, it is best to breed an established pair, or maintain a group of young Discus and allow them to pair themselves. Warm, soft, slightly acidic water is required for spawning. The pair will clean a flat surface (usually a broad leaf or the side of the aquarium) prior to spawning. The parents must not be removed from the fry; the fry feed on their parents' mucus.

Largely carnivorous, Symphysodon spp. prefers freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, pellet food designed for discus, high-quality flake food, and meaty frozen foods.

Licensed by Newark & Sherwood District Council
License number 16/00104/COMM/PS/20
Fish Mania Aquatics LTD

Contact Information
Advertiser: Joe wain
Telephone: 07961834026
Town: Rainworth
County: Nottinghamshire
Web Link: ...
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/11/21 Views: 1665]

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