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Home :: Discus

  BEAUTIFUL LARGE ORANGE & RED DISCUS with Turquoise striped fins. £85 pickup West Yorkshire Wakefield

Description: This beautiful discus measures 6.5 inches

The body is bright orange turning bright red to the outer edges of the body. The face and fins have flashes of blue (turquoise) stripes on them, contrasting with the orange face and red fins.

The fish itself is in very good condition eating very well (on flake,pellets & bloodworm) always one of the first to snatch the food! It has a fully filled out figure and looks very meaty (for a discus).
The fish also has light red eyes.

It has lived in my community tank for about 18months now and has really come out with confidence, it would be a juwel in anybodys tank.
When I say community tank I have various loaches and bottom feeders and also a large shark, the only other swimmers I have are my cardinal tetras. Discus like a peaceful tank with tank mates that won't nip them, so keep that in mind if you want this fish! :)

It will be missed in my tank but it doesn't seem to want to pair up with any of my other discus, it just likes to annoy one of my solid pairs so I think it's time it went to a new home sadly.

Contact Information
Advertiser: josh
Telephone: 07783029615
Town: normanton/wakefield
County: West Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/09/15 Views: 1886]

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