A healthy Tiger Turquoise that was purchased in the third quarters in 2008 from ChensDiscus when it was about 4 months old and it was about 2.5". Therefore it makes this discus approximately reaching 3 years old.
This tiger turquoise is raised soley from conditioned tap water at a PH of 7 and is kept at a temperature ranging from 28-30C due to other fishes breeding in the tank. At best, water changes are made 50% every other day. This discus is fed solely on Beefheart mix 2-3 times a day, if there is any leftovers they are siphoned out and replenished with fresh clean water. This discus fish also eats Live Adult Brineshrimps, Frozen Bloodworms, Frozen Brineshrimps, Pellet food and when possible freeze dried blackworms.
This discus is relatively thick but not as thick as the female red turquoise I once owned. I would say it's about 1 inch thick at most.
How I distinguish male and female discus fish. A male's papilla is pointed, trianglar looking and a female's papilla is loose and blunt. I have tried my best to take two pictures showing you this to show evidence that this is a male.
If you are not interested in breeding this discus, you can always place this discus in a show tank.
Photos updated on Tuesday 24th May 2011
Video updated on Monday 14th June 2010
The date of measurement was taken on the same day of the picture.
The other discus in the fish tank is about 5 inches, therefore giving you an indication of how big this discus really is.
Sold on Thursday 26th May 2011
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County: London
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