This healthy female red turquoise discus was purchased at ChensDiscus on September 2008 when it was 3 and a half months old and it was about 2 inches. This is the sibling from the other female discus on my other advert.
This red turquoise discus is raised soley from conditioned tap water at a PH of 7 and kept at a constant temperature of 27C. Water changes are made 50% daily and fed solely on Beefheart mix 2 times a day, any leftovers are siphoned out and replenished with fresh clean water. This discus is also fed frequently on Live Adult Brineshrimps, Frozen Bloodworms, Frozen Brineshrimps.
As you can see, the faeces is pure black, only a healthy discus will release healthy black looking faeces, unhealthy discus will release white stringy faeces that look unpleasant. In addition to that, it has a thick body, an unhealthy discus will have pinched in head which is undesirable, as it usually represents a stunted discus, that will no longer become a beautiful specimen.
This female red turquoise has a very nice solid red ruby eyes and has a magnificient majestic-like body. Its ready to breed whenever you are, as this red turquoise will be splitted up from the male tiger turq, as shown in the pictures. All you need to do is place this discus in the correct water parameter, because its conditioned already.
For those who don't have a clue on distinguishing a male and a female discus when the papilla has "dropped", here is the tip from me. A male's papilla is pointed, trianglar looking and a female's papilla is loose and blunt. Still having trouble even when they are breeding? Well, common sense tells you that a female lays eggs and a male fertilizes the eggs right?
This Red Turquoise is ideal to pair off with a male that is 6 inches or bigger. A smaller male pairing will usually cause distress due to intimidation in size. A bigger male will give the female a sense of protection.
The advantage of having a bigger female is that it will have a bigger spawn, thus a higher yield in production if all factors are kept constant.
If your not interested in breeding this discus, you can always place this discus in a show tank, and it will elicit its elegant colours and its prolific body shape. You'll never know, one day you may plan to pair it off due to its unique traits.
Photos updated on Sunday 9th May 2010
Video updated on Saturday 5th June 2010
The date of measurement was taken on the same day of the picture.
The breeding cone measures at a height of 7 inch to give you an idea of the actual size of the discus.
Sold on Monday 14th June 2010 at 2.25PM
Contact Information Advertiser: Kevin Telephone: .
Town: London
County: London
Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/06/10 Views: 3382]
