This healthy female brilliant turq discus was purchased at ChensDiscus on September 2008 when it was 3 and a half months old and it was about 2 inches.
This brilliant turq discus is raised soley from conditioned tap water at a PH of 7 and kept at a constant temperature of 27C. Water changes are made 50% daily and fed solely on Beefheart mix 2 times a day, any leftovers are siphoned out and replenished with fresh clean water. This discus is also fed frequently on Live Adult Brineshrimps, Frozen Bloodworms, Frozen Brineshrimps and pellet food (Hikari Tropical Discus Bio-Gold).
This proven brilliant turq female discus is constantly laying eggs alone without a partner and it is at a breeding age. There is a male in the tank, but it is not interested in pairing off with this female, so grab yourself a female discus to pair off with one of your male discus!
This female brilliant turq has a very nice solid red ruby eyes when it gets excited and has a very nice round body. Its ready to breed whenever you are, providing that you give her a nice partner as she has been laying eggs on the cone for over 10 times now, no joke.
For those who don't have a clue on distinguishing a male and a female discus when the papilla has "dropped", here is the tip from me. A male's papilla is pointed, trianglar looking and a female's papilla is loose and blunt. Still having trouble even when they are breeding? Well, common sense tells you that a female lays eggs and a male fertilizes the eggs right?
Sold on Sunday 9th May 2010
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County: London
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