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  NETS auction 23june

Description: N.E.T.S aquatics auction fish and plants 23rd of June. Key points.
• No scam. We won't ask for any booking or Membership fees. Nothing upfront. £1 entry fee ON THE DAY AT THE EVENT it also gives you chance to win an prize approx worth £30+
• Buyers don't have to buy 1000 fish. Its easy you bid on 1 bag could be a single fish, pair, trio or group.
The bag is explain for example in the bag we have 1 pair of red swordtails community fish easy to keep.
• Bidding is simple raise your hand until you win. Or the price goes to high for you. NO added commission. NO waiting until the end and totaling up. If you win, the fish are brought straight to you. If your not happy notify the person bringing them. Pay them cash they'll return straight away with your change if needed NO hidden cost.
• We only put fish, plants and other aquatics livestock shrimp and snails . We offer dry goods on tables round the hall.
• We put a expected list on the events page the week before. This gives you a rough idea of the massive selection available at these events

• Free Kids table. Colouring books and fun to help keep them occupied. Added Colour competition with prizes for the kids to enjoy.
•Massive raffle fantastic prizes from local aquatics shop and huge aquatics brands. Top prize an FX2 external filter. Quick look online £225 on amazon !!!!! 9 selection boxes. Estimated retail totals of £100+ each. That's over £1100 of prizes. NO Facebook bonus ball crap. No pre sale online tickets
Buy tickets on the day £1 a strip!!!!

People think its to good to be true. To cheap. It is to cheap if it was a business. But its not. Its ran by hobbyist. To encourage the hobby. No one gets paid. We do it for the love of fish keep.
All I can recommend bring cash give it 30 mins of your day. You'll be hooked.
Doors open 10am
Auction starts 11am
Generally finishing 4 to 5 ish once everything has been up for sale.
Most common regret most 1st timers have is they haven't set more tanks up or didn't realise it would be so cheap so haven't brought enough cash.
And again inbox me if you have questions

Event location
The teams club Derwentwater Rd Gateshead NE8 2SJ.

Contact Information
Advertiser: michael
Telephone: 07780720107
Town: newcastle
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/06/24 Views: 320]

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