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  Bristlenose plecs

Description: Wondering if anyone could help... I have around 200 bristlenose plecs, mixture of brown and albino from just under an inch to just over an inch in size and some smaller, I'm not a. Breeder but I have become over run with them as the female keeps laying eggs and I don't want to part with my albino male as I've had him a long time and I don't have another tank to separate them. I'm looking for a buyer for the female and all the babies but don't know where to start... I've asked around but people only want to buy the 'odd' plec whereas I was hoping to rehome all in one go, I'm not giving them away as I have spent a lot of time and money on them, they are feeding well on algae/plecostomus wafers, cucumber, broccoli and potatoes. I don't know what to ask for them but I don't want much for them, just to know they have gone to a good home and someone who knows these fish, does anyone know of someone who can take all fish or could put me onto someone who would be interested? Thanks for reading

Contact Information
Advertiser: Gaynor walton
Telephone: 07742129361
Town: Ellesmere port
County: Cheshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:02/11/16 Views: 2412]

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