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  Do you have a business - this could be a perfect business opportunity for you.

Description: We are currently looking for another business or organisation who are interested in a Collaboration perhaps through YouTube and other social platforms. I own and I’m currently searching for another similar business/organisation which would be comfortable with me sharing their content on my website as well as on other platforms to go alongside the articles and other information we create. By using your content, you should get an increase in views and awareness; therefore the benefits aren't just to us.

However in return for this we would like some advertising in return, for example a hyperlink at the beginning of one of your videos (if you have a YouTube channel) or you could simply just share some of our social media posts. However you benefit us, we will do the same back. We have a growing in popularity Facebook page, Google Plus and Twitter page which your content, can be shared on. By equally advertising each other we should both benefit in the same way.

Please let us know your thoughts; obviously we could collaborate in different ways.


King Aquatics

Contact Information
Advertiser: KingAquatics
Telephone: 07402 634532
Town: Newcastle
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/09/15 Views: 2595]

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