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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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You are viewing results from county of Dorset
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9     (Total: 856 adverts.)
1Fluval Roma 200 and cabinet :Less than six months old,Fluval 200 aquarium & new style cabinet. Also included is a 200 watt brand new and unused heater,Fluval U4 filter.E ...06/12/13
2Looking to sell complete set up :I am looking for offers if anybody is interested in selling my complete reef set up. I'll try to name most of it. 6ft solid oak tank (about ...04/12/13
3220L Aqua One Fish Tank - Comes with full set up and approx: 15 Tropical Fish :Need a Quick Sale - would be ideal if it could be gone today? Please get in touch ... 220L Aqua One Fish Tank - Full Set Up (Comes with ...30/11/13
4Marine Breakdown. Clowns, Shrimp, Rock etc - Dorset :* Two tomato clowns - £20 - MUST GO!!! * Liverock @ £6/Kg * Peppermint shrimp - 2.5"ish £10 (Great for aips, and he's recently grown ...29/11/13
5220L Fish Tank with full set up and colourful fish :220L Aqua One Fish Tank For Sale - £150 (or get in touch with reasonable offers) Tank comes with a range of multi coloured Barbs: Ap ...13/11/13
6GROUP OF MALAWI FISH - Various :FOR SALE: I am breaking down my Lake Malawi tank set up as I'm focusing all my attention onto marine, so here I have for sale all my fish an ...11/11/13
7Custom built marine room NOW OPEN :Our brand new custom built marine room is now open and houses one of the south wests largest collections of marine fish, inverts and corals. ...10/11/13
8Wanted Fish Tank Stand Will Pay :Hi looking for a stand measuring over 32 Inches wide and over 14 inches to suit the tank. Only looking to spend about £20 Thanks James01/11/13
9Two Goldfish need new home free and possible delivary :I have been given a fish tank with two gold fish in and I want to convert the tank to tropical so the gold fish have to go, they are free an ...01/11/13
105x2x2 fish tank and sump :5x2x2 fish tank for sale with sump and pipe work has 2 weirs no stand £200 collection weymouth buyer collects :)24/10/13
11260l Juwel Vision black with cabinet :Brilliant tank, selling my whole set up due to a heater malfunction and I no longer want the heart ache of losing beautiful fish. This t ...23/10/13
12Full Red Show Guppys :Full Red Show Guppy Breed by myself from 2012 show stock. Young fish with good body size of around 15mm and just developing their colour ...20/10/13
134ft Rena 350 litre fish tank complete set up :4ft Rena 350 litre fish tank comes with heater and external filter which is an all pond solutions 1400 l/h and stand also comes with led lig ...14/10/13
14Aqua one aqua reef 400 complete marine setup worth over £3400 :Aqua one aqua reef 400 for sale - complete marine set up Purchased May 2013 This cost in total over £3400 to set up & hours of hard work, ...13/10/13
15Juwel Vision 260 Bow Front Aquarium With Cabinet and Lots of Extras Just Add Fis ... :I'm selling my much loved aquariums, this one is a 4ft Juwel Vision 260 Bow Front Aquarium with cabinet in Black. Comes complete with an All ...12/10/13
16Fish Tank :Fish Tank For Sale Come With Stand 31.5" x 12" Great For Fish Or Turtles Lid Contains Strip Light (No Bulb) Few Very Very Min ...03/10/13
17Aquaone 980L :Aquaone 980L complete set up. 990cm x 470 x 60cm 8mm glass, 215L Price includes fish, gravel, ornaments, plants, some spare ornaments, food ...28/09/13
18live rock and wave maker :i have roughly 10 kilos of superb quality live rock no aiptasia in sight lots growing on it only £5 per kilo and a small but powerful wave ...18/09/13
19marine LEDs :**FOR SALE** LED light unit was made for juwel trigon 190 but can easily be adapted to hang over another tank it has fully dimmable whites ...17/09/13
20aqua one 300 litre fish tank and cabinet :aqua one fish tanks and cabinet 300 litres only 4 months old cost £650 from maiden head aquatics with 4 x t5 light unit ( but no othe ...13/09/13
21Firefish fry for sale :Firefish fry for sale around an inch in size picture is of the dad £2 each or 6 for £1031/08/13
22Ocean Rock. Blandford :This ocean rock has been professionally cleaned, so it's as good a new. Nice and bright white! Each rock (As it comes, so no cherry pick ...28/08/13
23React 1000 calcium reactor, regulator, bottle and media :For sale due tank closure, v2 react1000 calcium reactor, comes complete with media, regulator and bottle, Bottle needs refilling but only  ...26/08/13
24100L Aqua One Corner Tank and Stand :I'm selling my 100 liter Aqua One UFO 550 corner fish tank and stand due to upgrading to a larger tank. Bought a year ago brand new but has ...24/08/13
25Pond pump and heater for sale brand new boxed. :I have a sicce 3700 l/h pump unused and boxed also Hydor theo 50w heater unused and boxed. Will accept sensible offers.21/08/13
26Wanted TMC commercial UV steriliser P6/P8 :Wanted I am looking for a TMC commercial uv steriliser either a P6 6x55 watt or P8 8x55 watt... Willing to either travel or arrange courie ...04/08/13
275ftx2ftx1.5ft custom made fish tank :I have for sale a custom made 5tfx2ftx1.5ft fish tank with trickle filter slots in the top and slide lid as pictured  This is a very solid ...30/07/13
28Betta life space setup complete with all equipment,fish,corals,rock :For sale is my complete marine setup as follows, beta life space 1000 in white with sump, bubble magus skimmer, ati t5 light, aquaray light, ...29/07/13
29Wanted 5x2x2 aquarium :Wanted 5x2x2 aquarium only tank required ideally located hants/ Dorset .wanted for sump so condition is not to important all considered cash ...25/07/13
30aqua one 300 litre fish tank and cabinet :aqua one fish tanks and cabinet 300 litres only 4 months old cost £650 from maiden head aquatics with 4 x t5 light unit ( but no othe ...14/07/13
31Last bit of Marine equipment for sale :All items in the photo are for sale. Came across them while sorting out the loft.......... All are working and have lots of life in them. ...23/06/13
32WANTED PIKE CHARACIN OR FRESHWATER BARRACUDA :As above I'm looking for these fish to add to my aquarium need to be around 4 or 5 inch.17/06/13
33Tropheus,Julidochromis,Lamprologus,Neolamprologus. :Hi.For sale: Group of 9 Tropheus Bemba +1 Ikola all between 5- 6cm Group of 10 Julidochromis Marlieri (breeding pair with youngsters) ...16/06/13
34BREEDING PAIR OF DISCUS :Hey everyone got a breeding pair of discus for sale! Proven pair! Absolutely gorgeous! Grab them before they go! You will make alot of money ...31/05/13
35TWO ADULT YELLOW DISCUS FOR SALE :I also have two yellow Discus for sale! Again, stunning fish! Grab a bargain! Collection from Blandford Forum, Dorset or I can deliver to lo ...31/05/13
36Looking for starter frags :I have set up my first marine tank and was hoping someone might be able to help me out with a couple of frags to start me off. If anyone can ...29/05/13
37Pond and waterfall :Atlantis glass fibre pond It is called the pacific 283x219x60cm 310gallons The pond is in very good condition £70 We also have a ...29/05/13
38Lots for sale :4ft Jewel 260 bowfront fish tank with external filter, various fish and bogwood. No stand. 2ft Aquarium solution fish tank with internal ...12/05/13
39Malawi Aulonocara Peacock Cichlid Fry, reds blues yellows, African Cichlids (tro ... :Hi, for sale I have lots of Malawi cichlid fry - they're Aulonocara (peacocks) hybrids, bred from my adult male Maleri (yellow/orange), and ...10/05/13
406x2x2.5 fish tank for sale :As listed above 6x2x2.5 fish tank for sale with a corner weir collection weymouth ready to collect £150.00 will need 2-3 men to carry as ve ...26/04/13
41Pets Direct & Aquatics :We have a supplier list on our website to order fish from. Please take a look.. All fish are quarantined by us before release. Than ...17/04/13
422 x john allen tanks £850.00 :I have for sale two john allen tanks asking £850.00 for them both, come with gravel,koi blagdon air pump,16 sponge filters air line and lig ...05/04/13
43WANTED: external filter, +1000lph :Hi there Looking to get a second external filter for my aquarium. Please get in touch if you anything that would suit, within 10 mile ...25/03/13
44Silver Arowana :hi, im kinda new to this, my Silver Aro is getting a bit big for the tank so i have to move him on, im lookin to either get £100 or swap hi ...23/03/13
45fish tank for sale :Just become available an 8 ft long 2 ft deep and 2ft wide fish tank. would make a great marine invert tank. Must be seen.Price 225£ Ring ...21/03/13
46Fluval square aquarium large tank 220 litres. :For sale is my fluval aquarium it's is a cube shaped aquarium with thick glass. It measures 60x60x60. It's a really nice tank as you have a ...19/03/13
47WANTED - Any type of barbs, small sharks. :I am looking for any type of barbs, small sharks to go in my 220 litre tank currently have around 8 4 tigers 4 odessa's. Looking to add to m ...11/03/13
48Aqua one 1250, External filter aquarium filter. :For sale is my Aqua one external filter. I have had this for only a short while although i actually only had it being used for around 2 mont ...11/03/13
49Medium-Large Tin Foil barbs, Tropical fish. :Please note the fish in the picture is not my fish its simply the closest picture I could find to indicate what the fish looks like (minus t ...11/03/13
50Full Marine set up and LIvestock. :48"x15"x18" Black phoenix Hd Aquarium and 36"x15"x18" Sump with 3 dividers RRP £2150 2x Vortec MP40 powerheads with controllers RRP £659. ...11/02/13
512 x Blue Acara 3-5inch :2 beautiful blue acaras for sale on ebay - item number 181077695520 Please look for pics, paid £18 for these a while back so grab a barg ...10/02/13
523ft tank and stand :3ft tank and stand for sale £50 ono28/01/13
53TMC 200 Compact Skimmer WANTED :The above or any other internal skimmer rated above 200l wanted. Looking to pay about £30 for one.21/01/13
54Wanted in the Dorset area :I am looking for a pair of blue angelfish, to join the large group of angelfish that I already own. Preferably within the Dorset area. If yo ...13/01/13
55fluval profile 1000 full marine set up £450 bargain :Fluval Profile 1000 black marine set up here for sale is my full marine setup. its just over a year old and is very stable and mature. ...12/01/13
56Various Discus :I have 10 Discus for sale ranging in size from 4.5 - 5.5 ins including White Butterfly and Leopard, all fed on beefheart other frozen food, ...01/01/13
57NEW MARINE FISH NOW IN SHERBORNE :We have now received our post christmas live stock delivery so we now have a good selection of fish, corals and inverts! Call for details ...31/12/12
58two tiger oscas £40 :1x 10 inch tiger osca 1x 5 inch albino tiger osca Feeding very well28/12/12
59MALAWI AFRICAN CICHLIDS :LOTS AND LOTS OF AMAZING MALAWI/AFRICAN CICHLIDS IN STOCK! 5 to 7 inch Male and Female Metriaclima Callainos "Pearl Zebra" " ...19/12/12
60WANTED 4 FOOT tank :I'm looking for a nice 4 foot tank don't really need a pump don't mind if its stocked, will pay up to 200 for the right tank!13/12/12
61aquarium for sale :i have for sale my 2ft X 1.5ft aquarium. it comes complete with a lid, filter, heater, light, sand, plastic plants, rocks and a magnetic gla ...10/12/12
62blue gourami, poole dorset :i have for sale my fully mature blue gourami. i am closing my tank down so he has to go. £5 ono 0789434566618/11/12
63fluval elite 60 aquarium, poole dorset :i have for sale my fluval elite 60 aquarium. it is 2ft long and holds 60l. it comes complete with a light, heater, filter, black gravel, pla ...18/11/12
64fluval elite 60 aquarium, poole dorset :i have for sale my fluval elite 60 aquarium. it is 2ft long and holds 60l. it comes complete with a light, filter, heater, black gravel, pla ...18/11/12
65Various Discus :I have various Discus for sale ranging, 10 x ranging in size from 4.5 -6 ins including Albino Golden, White Butterfly, Spotted Leopard and W ...07/11/12
66Discus - full set up :Discus fish and aquarium, 10 x really fantastic large discus fish 5 - 6 ins in size including Albino Golden, White Butterfly, Spotted Leopar ...30/10/12
67melanatonia splendida inanorta, Melatonia praecox, Melanotania Lacustris :I have a number of the Melanotania family fish for sale. splendida inanorta.praecox, lacustra, I have adult fish as well as juvenile fish. I ...29/10/12
68Malawi Cichlids and 3ftx1ftx1ft tank :Selling a jewel fish tank 3x1x1 tank is in good condition but light has had the top opened up but sill works perfectly well cabinet is in ne ...28/10/12
69Malawis Weymouth Dorset :Hi I have various Adult Malawis for sale; Psedotropheus Saulosi Group 6, Wild Male plus F1 males and Females £50 Cynotilapia Lion San ...24/10/12
70African Featherfin Catfish for sale - Weymouth, Dorset :Synodontis Eupterus - Featherfin Catfish around 7inches long £10 0774862083324/10/12
71V2 protein Skimmer 400 :V2 protein Skimmer 400 for sale, in perfect working order. Tel or text 07788774129 40 ono Christchurch, Dorset21/10/12
72Aqua One 1200 external pump :Aqua one 1200 external pump for a fish tank for sale. was used for a Marine tank but can also be used for a tropivcal tank. £40. Ring or te ...21/10/12
73FLUVAL 1000 AQUARIUM AND CONTENTS :Fluval Profile 1000 Aquarium Kit Stainless Steel Complete Fluval Profile 1000 Stainless Steel finish is a stunning masterpiece of quality a ...20/10/12
74Discounted Aqaurium Equiment :We have sale all types of Aquarium equipment which is listed below: Nano Tanks - 16l , 24l , 34l Ornaments including corals Fake plants ...11/10/12
75Special Offer Nano Tanks for Sale :We have 16l, 24, and 34l nano tanks for sale at verygood prices. The tanks are brand new and can delivered anywhere in the UK. Please see ...11/10/12
76Wanted Cichlids Fry (Poole/Bournemouth) Area :Hi i'm looking for some cheap cichlid fry around the poole or bournemouth area, please let me know if you have any. Cheers Justin10/10/12
77Fluval 405 external pump :Fluval 405 external pump for a fish tank for sale. was used for a marine tank, but can also be used for a tropical tank. Will include the li ...09/10/12
784ft tank & cabinet in Ferndown Dorset :I have just upgraded, so I have for sale my aquarium & cabinet, 44" x 25" x 30" L x w x h plus sump, £100 Buyer to collect. for more detai ...08/10/12
79MARINE FISH NOW IN SHERBORNE :We are pleased to announce that we are now stocking a range of marine fish, inverts and corals as well as dry goods in our Sherborne shop. C ...07/10/12
80Various Malawi Fro Sale Weymouth :Hi I have various Adult Malawis for sale; Psedotropheus Saulosi Cynotilapia Lion Sanga Pseudotropheous Acei Ngara Labidochromis Chisumul ...03/10/12
81F1 Lethrinops for Sale, Weymouth, Dorset :Lethrinops Micrentodon Makokola from wild parents 5-8 months old £5 each 5 for £20 ideally pick up from Weymouth, Dorset 07748620833 ...03/10/12
82fluval osaka 260 :osaka 260 small crack in back panel could be sealed or used as reptile tanks apart from that this tank is stunning with curved glass and mat ...22/09/12
84American and Malawi cichlids for sale :American cichlids for sale 1 pink convict 6 black and silver convicts 2 jade eye cichlids 1 jack Dempsey 2 green Texas 1 green terror ...18/09/12
85Marine Tank Contents Including Rock :Due to going traveling I'm looking to sell the contents of my Marine Tank, which includes the following 1x Rusty Angel Fish 2x Common Cl ...17/09/12
86Beautiful Red Tail Cat Fish :Very beautiful Redtail catfish for sale, is roughly 12 inches long and in perfect health. From what I can tell is female. http://www.e ...14/09/12
87Complete RO System with High Pressure Pump :Ro-man RO system 2 pod system with 3 membranes including high pressure pump and auto shut off. Including lots of piping all mounted on a ...04/09/12
88Aqua One AR980 Aquirium :Due to house move my tank and cuboard must go. In excellent condition this bow fronted tank comes complete, just add stones, water and fish. ...27/08/12
89Red devil female proven breeder :Red devil approx 6-7" healthy fit call 01305 824034 after 7pm ask for mike27/08/12
90Flowerhorn fry :Flowerhorn cichlid fry around 1" mark some bigger very healthy growing well 20 at mo available can be sold seperately or together price ...27/08/12
91Juwel Rio 125 Aquarium with stand in black £85 :About 6 years old but still in good condition. Has worked well for many years but I can't take it abroad with me sadly. Lots of extras inclu ...20/08/12
92WANTED Juwel Vision 260 or Fluval Vicenza 260 :Hi Looking for either of the following two set ups with external filter: Juwel Vision 260 (dark brown) Fluval Vinceza 260 (beach) M ...18/08/12
93koi for sale :four koi 8 inch to around 15 inch plus a little one and one goldfish for sale.can no longer keep the pond. Pump now broken and new small gr ...17/08/12
94Japanese Koi Carp :For sale Japanese Koi Carp,most sizes 20"+, have outgrown pond,prices from £100 please call 01202 65808629/07/12
952 x Jack Dempsey 2-3inch :Two small Jack Dempseys for sale, in good health, but were a little too boisterous for the community tank. Fantastic fish, very sorry to see ...19/07/12
96Rena 4ft Aquarium for Sale :4ft x 2ft x 18" Rena Tank & Stand for sale, finish Dark wood. The tank volume is around 400 litres. This tank is only a couple of y ...10/07/12
97Aquaone Regency Tank :Aqua One Bow Front Aquarium 90 x 42 x 70 cm. 190 litre capacity Extra thick 10 mm glass Twin lighting with 2 x 25 watt tubes ...10/07/12
98Complete Marine Aquarium :5ft marine aquarium inlcuding calcium reactor, protein skimmer, uv steriliser, halide lights, 4 wave makers, 100 kilos of live rock, fish, c ...08/07/12
99FANTASTIC TROPICAL AQUARIUM & CABINET FOR SALE WITH ALL ADDED EXTRAS :Fantastic ready to use tropical aquarium with stylish oak cabinet for just £100!! Check out the pictures and what's included below as well ...07/07/12
100Breeding pair of oscars :12"tiger and 10"albino breeding pair of oscars bright colours laying once/twice a month.selling due to out grown tank.£30 my mobi ...28/06/12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

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