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Home :: Koi, Goldfish & Ponds

  New Pond Foods

Description: Hi folks just thought id post this up for anyone with a pond, we have just taken in a delivery of some of the new range of pond foods from Mars Fishcare.

The range consists of environmentally sustainable foods, using no fish meal, environmentally friendly packaging, and no genetically modified ingredients.

We have in stock,

Goldfish Nutripearls - A balanced and complete goldfish diet specifically formulated to enhance the fish's colours with a blend of naturally occurring carotenoids (marigold flower, carrots and lucerne) A unique combination of proteins and fibres from highly digestible protein, pea and mussels, helps to ensure a healthy digestive system

Bag size 5 L

RRP £19.99

OUR PRICE £14.99

Pond Nutripearls - A balanced and complete diet specifically formulated for all pond fish. A unique combination of natural carotenoids derived from marigold flower and carrots, blended with micro nutrients derived from marine algae (Ascophyllum), to enhance the natural vitality and physical condition of all pond fish.

Bag size 5 L

RRP £11.99


Koi Maxipearls - A balanced and complete diet specifically formulated to meet the natural requirements of Koi. With high protein levels (38%) to promote fish growth and with a blend of naturally occurring carotenoids to enhance fish colour.

Med Pellet 1 L

RRP £7.49


Maxi Pellet 5 L

RRP £21.99

OUR PRICE £16.99

Please email me with what you would like to order and we can send you a Paypal invoice with the relevant P&P added

Contact Information
Advertiser: Aquatics Express
Telephone: 01603 628489
Town: Norwich
County: Norfolk

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/04/11 Views: 1235]

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