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Description: Hi folks, i have a couple of specials for you, these are one offs as they were bought in for customers who changed their minds, (and made me bring in a deposit only special order system!!)

1st is;

American Marine Pinpoint Conductivity Monitor, the Pinpoint Conductivity Monitor is an instrument for the measurement of hardness in freshwater. The Conductivity Monitor is automatically temperature-compensated and has two ranges, making it useful several different applications. Both freshwater fish keepers and those who use deionized/reverse osmosis systems often rely heavily on this meter.

The freshwater hobbyist will appreciate the instant readings for precise hardness. The saltwater hobbyist will use the PINPOINT Conductivity Monitor to assess the purity of deionized and reverse osmosis water.

Given proper care, the PINPOINT Conductivity Monitor should last a lifetime.

The Pinpoint Conductivity Probe is permanent and may never require replacement.

Powered by a standard 9-volt battery (not included).

RRP £108.99

ONE OFF, £75 inc P&P

2nd offer is for anyone using the balling method for marines with th Fauna Marin range, i have the following;

1 x Sodium Bicarbonate 1kg RRP £10.95
1 x Magnesiumsulfate Heptahydrate 1 kg RRP £10.95
1 x Natriumhydrogen Carbonat 1kg RRP £10.95
1 x Calciumchloride Dihydrate 1kg RRP £10.95

For this 'lot' im looking for £30 inc P&P

As there is only one of each available this is first come first served!!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Aquatics Express
Telephone: 01603 628489
Town: Norwich
County: Norfolk
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/10/09 Views: 1387]

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