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  Design Aquatics

Description: Aquarium/Pond maintenance, Installation, Equipment, Fish supply,Rentals ..Are you in need of a tank/pond re-scape or new set up altogether?..Maybe looking to add more stock to your excisting aquarium?..Then please look no further as we have turned our hobby into a successful business. With over 10 years in the hobby and 9 years working hands on with our fish suppliers, we feel its enabled us to be the complete aquatic service.

We design,install and maintain everything from a goldfish bowl to your lavish marine setups...starting from as little as £20/hour for a professional and private service. we currently service around 120 aquariums all over the midlands. We can also offer cheap tanks straight from suppliers or re conditioned tanks we have serviced.

Due to our relationship with suppliers we can offer livestock prices that simply cant be beaten. We can import any livestock known in the aquatic trade.. tried and tested.. and you'll like the price. Goldfish right through to rare specimens delivered to your door. Please ask for our price lists.

We also provide an Aquarium rental service starting as little as £1.25 a day.
Dazzling Marine,Tropical and Coldwater aquariums available for hire for your special occasion such as

Weddings,Birthday Parties,Religous Festivals and more.

Please email or phone for details and free quote.(if voicemail leave short message and we'll return your call asap) launching 30th sept

Contact Information
Advertiser: design aquatics
Telephone: 07732515861
Town: Leicester
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/09/09 Views: 1369]

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