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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Amazing full tropical set up

Description: I have a nearly new beech Juwel Vision 180 complete set up for sale.
It was bought and set up middle of december so not even 4 months old.

It comes with many extras including fish that cost a lot of money. i will list all contents along with price paid to make things easy.

Juwel Vision 180 (stand and tank) - £329.00
heater/lights/internal filter included
Fluval 305 external filter - £76.99
Tetratec Airpump - £24.99
4x planted bogwood = 4x £14.99 - £59.96

List of fish(price is total for that type)
1x Red spotted peruvian angel(wild)- £24.99
1 x Marble angel - £19.99
3 x Redline torpedo barbs(wild) - £40.00
2 x pearl gourami - £13.90
1 x pink kissing gourami - £6.99
2 x red blood dwarf gourami - £7.98
2 x rope fish - £19.98
3 x firemouth cichlid - £10.00
1 x L S.A pleco - £14.99
1 x sucking loach - £2.50
The angels are quite large as well as the plec.
I have spent alot of effort creating this set up and looks amazing. I would like to sell as complete set although if there are fish you didn't want i can rehouse them elsewhere.

I am looking for £400 the lot which is a bargain considering the tank cost over £650 to set up under 4mnths ago. Viewing reccomended.
I know my tropical fish v.well and am very proud of my tanks.
email me for photos

Contact Information
Advertiser: Adam
Telephone: 07756853813
Town: chelmsford
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/03/08 Views: 2236]

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