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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Fish Tank Aquarium (everything provided) A* Condition

Description: Hi, and thank you for looking at my auction for a Jewel Aaquarium. Jewel are one of the leading, and best known names for fish aquariums, and this is no exception. It is second hand, but is all in very good condition. I am selling this only because I have lost interest, and would like to try and get back some of the investment I made in this hobby. The tank itself is all very clean, the glass has no apparent scratches or blemishes, and it has a backdrop scene already stuck in. (It is slightly peeling at the top, but this is unoticeable when the lid is on, and can easily be fixed with some ordinary glue.) Inside the tank, is a bed of stones which were all cleaned when this was "packed up," and there are also some larger ornamental stones which fish like. The tank also come with a lid, which isnt unfortunately shown in the pictures, but this again is in good condition, with a little bit of dampness stain on the inside, which obviously doesn't matter, as you only see the outside. Included with the tank, are: .:. Original Filter pump .:. Orinial heater with control .:. Air pump with tube .:. Green Bucket .:. Net .:. Two smaller, basic tanks for baby fish etc .:. Vacuum cleaner thing .:. 3 various tank maintenance chemicals .:. Glass cleaner tool .:. Some fish food if wanted! Approximate tank glass dimensions are 1ft x 2ft x 1.5ft All you need now are the fish! I hope you like what you see, and could I please remind you that this is a very, VERY good deal, as the tank alone cost me around £120 brand new, and it really does all look great when put together. Any questions, and I will be happy to try and answer them. Buyer collects - (Near Tunbridge Wells.)

Contact Information
Advertiser: James Bowler
Telephone: 01892852250
Town: Tunbridge Wells
County: Kent
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/02/08 Views: 2081]

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