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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Huge bundle of marine equipment, test kits, food and supplements

Huge bundle of marine equipment, test kits, food and supplements

Description: Grab a bargain! £400 for everything

I have a load of equipment that I have accumulated over the years which I no longer have a need for.

- 3 RO units with boosters
- Lots of different wavemakers, including 2 quiet drive MP40's
- Ozone
- Large UV
- Doser
- 5 different reactors ranging in size
- Lots of return pumps
- Large hang on skimmer (not pictured)
- 2 large Evergrow lights
- A couple of large filters
- Heaters
- Temperature controller
- Air pump
- Couple of sump lights

Lots of different supplements including Reefroids, activated carbon etc.
Large bucket of salt
Lots of test kits

There are a few more bits which aren't pictured but mainly following suit of what is pictured. I don't want to split - looking for quick sale.

Collection only - Basingstoke

Thank you! :)

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jasmin Chuter
Telephone: 07730792294
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/03/19 Views: 978]

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