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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aquarium for sale 130L (AQUA NANO 130)

Aquarium for sale 130L (AQUA NANO 130)

Description: This aquarium is for sale as I have found that I do not have the time to keep any more aquarium fish or other forms of aquatic life due to revision. Keep in mind that there are no fish included. Everything in the photos are included. This literally includes everything you need to maintain and start up your aquarium - including pure ammonia for a fishless cycle. There is also a really good RODI unit and a nitrate removal system provided as well for NO additional cost. This will help remove toxins from London high tap water nitrates. There is also three lights included. Two 6500k flood lights are included which are really good for growing ANY live plants. There is also tones of rocks and wood included for free as well. It's supper srurdy and can hold the aquariums weight really well. I also forgot to mention that there is also an ehime air pump and all fertilisers and medication and test kits included.
There is a lot of stuff included and I would be more than happy for you to give a message. 😉😊

130 L
Comes with everything in the picture
Stand comes for free
With all of the aquarium supplies this aquarium is only £200

This aquarium has everything u need to MAINTAIN a aquarium. Feel free to messgae me for any questions.

Btw all the bubbles are microbubbles as I have just cleaned the aquarium. It is all dry now and ready for use. Comes with all filter media and a built in filter (works like a sump attached to the back of the aquarium as apposed to underneath - as you can see in the pictures). Also comes with a glass lid!

I am unable to post all pictures on here so please feel free to messgae me for all photos of equipment!!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Paolo
Telephone: 07473826693
Town: Ealing
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/05/17 Views: 1227]

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