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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  read sea prizm hang on skimmer

Description: Red Sea Prizm Skimmer's "hang-on" design protein skimmer for aquariums up to 40 gallons. Its thin design only requires 2 1/2" of space behind the aquarium.Includes pump, Turbojet injector & operating instructionsSkimmer Dimentions - 9 1/8" x 13 7/8" x 2 3/8"Prizim Upgrade Kit sold seperately - to turn into deluxe version!One advantage to this design is the use of an external water pump to cut down on heat transfer to the aquarium and to also eliminate an unsightly pump from the aquarium. The Prizm uses an 18 blade Turbojet impeller to mix the water and air to inject a mass of small bubbles into the reaction chamber of the protein skimmer. The reactor has a dual chamber design, the first a upward flow followed by a divergent downward flow for longer contact time between the bubbles and the water, increasing the efficiency of the unit.The Prizm Deluxe adds a small in-tank surface skimmer for the intake to further increase the efficiency of the protein skimmer, drawing in water at the surface of the aquarium where the proteins tend to accumulate. It also includes a small chemical chamber that can be placed in the outlet area of the skimmer to hold activated carbon or other chemical media.

Contact Information
Advertiser: nigel
Telephone: 07905127875
Town: birmingham
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:31/08/15 Views: 1074]

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