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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Seachem Purigen filter media fish 100ml and 200ml plus reusable bag and tie wrap

Description: Hi everyone, I am selling the amazing filtration media Seachem Purigen in 100ml and 250ml bags.

I have purchased in bulk so I'm able to offer it at the cheapest delivered price in the UK.

I have sourced high quality mesh bags (which I also sell separately)
This is 100 percent genuine and can be used to remove nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and polish your water to amazing clarity.
It can be regenerated many times, so is a very long lasting product.
Those in the fish keeping world know this is one of the best media's that money can buy.
100ml+reusable bag +reusable tie wrap £10.00
200ml+ reusable bag+reusable tie wrap
These prices are delivered to your door.
Why pay more at the shop or online?

Seachem sell there empty bags for nearly £10!
So this is great value for money.
A bit about the product..

I use this product in my own 400 litre tank, and my fish have never been healthier and the water has amazing clarity.

Works brilliantly in freshwater or marine tanks, just pop a bag into your internal or external filter and let Seachem do the rest.
I also sell the product loose if you have your own bags. Just message me with your requirements. Discount can be worked out on multi buys.

Videos are on YouTube of the regeneration process.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Mark Yates
Telephone: 07809149422
Town: Sutton-In-Ashfield
County: Nottinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/07/15 Views: 1425]

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