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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  New Fluval Roma 200 tank for sale

Description: I have a new Fluval Roma 200 with black and silver cabinet for sale. It is the cabinet with the push doors so no handles which give a better profile to the set-up.

The tank and cabinet set-up and filled with water and then my project did not go ahead. You can fill it up with water when you come to collect to check if you wish.

I will throw in a new heater and a few other bits and pieces that I have. The buyer can also have some spare rocks and slates that I have somewhere and an eheim air pump and a bag of black gravel which was quiet expensive.

No filter I'm afraid as I have decided to keep that for my first tank as a back up but willing to sell if need be. It is a new Fluval 305 filter with all pipe work and media.

Tank and stand, light unit with two new tubes and the bits mentioned above £180
With filter £210

If interested please text on 07958 518 058 and I will call you back as soon as.

Do not use the Messenger here as messages go to junk folder.

Attached is a pic of my existing tank and a stock photo of the tank I am selling so you get idea of the tank itself.

Thanks for looking. Jay

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jay Miah
Telephone: 07958518058
Town: East Ham
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/01/14 Views: 1421]

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