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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fishtank malawi cichlids

Description: I am selling my beloved tropical aquariums and fish ( two on sale, please see my other listing ), which I have loved and cared for in the past two years.
The reason I am selling is because I simply do not have the time to take care of the fish in the way they deserve so I am hoping that they can go to a new home that will love them as I did and care for them.

The aquarium is a Juwel and comes complete with it's Stand. The aquarium is basically scratch free apart from one or two which are not visible with water in the tank. The stand is in good condition although as some water is inevitably splashed around, the edges of the top shelf show these. The dimensions are as follows:
Tank: 60cm Width, 40cm Height, 30cm Depth
60cm Width, 60cm Height, 30cm Depth

most fish are sold but there are a few jewel cichlids still left and a large yellow apple snail. The fish are included.

There are some very beautiful pieces of drift wood in the tank as well as various pieces of slate used as decortion

The filter in the tank is the Juwel corner filter that came with the tank and is in great condition and maintained properly.
The air pump is a 25Watt Tetra APS 100 which runs quitely.
The heater is the Juwel heater that came with the tank and which works flawlessly.
The lighting is 18Watt white Florescent lighting housed in the tank's hood.
There is a second 18Watt blue Florescent light that i have installed in the hood which can be operated independently either on its own to give a blue night effect or in conjunction with the main light to enhance the fish colours.
There is also an under gravel filter installed which can be used for extra filtration.

There are a host of water tests, tubing and various bits and pieces that I have for maintaining the two tanks I have for sale which I will divide between the two auctions and include as relevant.

This auction is obviously collection only.
josh - 07956586116
Payment will be cash on collection.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Josh
Telephone: 07956586116
Town: London
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/06/13 Views: 1146]

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