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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  For Sale: Aqua One 850 165 Litres

Description: Hi, I'm selling my fish tank due to imminent move.
It's an aqua one 850 with an capacity of 165 litres. You can see it retails for £329

So £130 with all the accessories is a great deal.

Two things you need to know:
The stand hasn't been assembled correctly and the doors are a bit wonky. However, this has never caused a problem and the tank sits comfortable.
Also, you would have to drain the aquarium yourself and provide suitable containers for the fish and accessories.

It's a really good tank but as well as the move, I just don't have time to maintain it any more, which is unfair on the fish. Fish include, 2 rams, 6 papered corys, 2 panchax, 1 tetra, 2 green barbs and one big bristle nose who alone cost me twenty quid!

Accessories include a big pirate ship wreck with bubble blower thing, plastic palm tree, castle ornament and 2 pieces of bogwood.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ellie Wilson
Telephone: 07932869210
Town: Durham
County: Durham

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/05/13 Views: 1482]

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