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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment


Description: For sale is my Rena Aqualife aquarium, and they do not make them like this anymore
It is 200cm x 50cm x 60cm and holds approx 700L water.
The tank has a small scratch on the front but you don't notice it unless you look for it.
The cabinet has small scratches by the door which is normal for this tank and cabinet
Currently stocked with marine but would not take much to convert to tropical or anything else even a big snake which was an idea for 5 minutes!
This is also the more modern version it is held together with metal struts not the glass version that have a tendency to pop and get the carpet wet, if you are in the market for one of these avoid the glass supported version
It has 4 6ft bulbs in the hood, all working and 2 led units (aqua ray)
Also included is
FX5 filter
2 heaters
UV filter
Protein skimmer
Live rock
Air pump
Fish and coral
RV unit to make pure water
And probably other bits I haven't thought of
You can come see the tank before you bid if you like
The tank is very heavy, I lifted the tank into my house with one other person so you will need to bring at least one strong person with you, and a transit sized van, I could arrange a quote for delivery if interested
This will take organising to move from a to b especially if you want to keep it all and I am prepared to help out anyway I can to make it a pleasant experience, the first thing someone says when walking in our house for the first time is normaly ‘wow big tank’ kids love it and as the glass is so thick they can tap away all day and the fish do not notice.

My reason for sale is simple her in doors wants the living room back

750 complete.

I would consider splitting bit that will off course involve a little more planning

Contact Information
Advertiser: Chris
Telephone: 07766073540
Town: Preston
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:31/12/12 Views: 2313]

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