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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment


Description: £350 OVNO

boyu 550 128ltr marine fish tank with every thing you need built in t5 lights also with built in moon lights looks nice at night with blue glow built in filter heater skimmer and uv filter and 2 900lph power heads also comes with 15k of live rock and enemone and a few other corals (tank has been running for 11 months) got digital temp checker.

i just aint got the time no more fish included 2 clown fish (nemo) 1 blue tang (dory) a blue cheek goby a cleaner rass a cleaner shrimp a red star fish 4 hermit crabs 4 turbo snails also little bugs and things that live in rock but only come out at night lol.

ive been doing a 25ltr water change every 2 weeks and this keeps the tanks nitrate,nitrites and ph spot on.

comes with 2x 25ltr water tubs a test kid worth £50 almost full,3/4 full salifert coral food ,tropic marin triple buffer, and a few more bits and bobs all this cost well over £800 tank can be seen has its still all set up and who ever buys it will need some water tubs to keep the water also a few containers to put the rock in any question phone 07910318240 or e-mail me

Contact Information
Advertiser: christopher farrell
Telephone: 447505989577
Town: walsall
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/03/12 Views: 1665]

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