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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Manzanita branches and stump lot sale

Description: I have 3 big manzanita stump with some beautiful manzanita branches for sale. It was initially intended to go into a 4 feet high tech planted tank but due to circumstances changes, I longer can proceed with my project and hence these wood are for sale. These manzanita stump was originally purchased from Tom Barr in USA and cost me 180 pound. It's a beautiful piece that he had put together for the tank. you don't frequently come across these type of wood in the UK. There are specialised store that sell manzanita stump in the UK such as aquaessential but you will be looking at 50-60 pound per stump and maybe 10-15 pound per branch. These woods are heavy and will weigh about 15kg or so. I prefer buyer to collect it due to it's size and weight. I can do local delivery up to 50miles radius from FY4 1BP but buyer will have to pay for travelling cost at 20 pence per mile return.

These stumps are beautiful and not commonly seen in the aquascaping industry in the UK and to purchase woods like these, you will have to hunt high and low in your LFS to find such piece. And most of the time when you find such piece, the weight itself would have cost you about the same price as what I'm selling it here. I will start the bidding at £99. So grab yourself a bargain here before its gone! If you have other aquarium needs, please look into my other item for sale as I've got loads to sell. Thanks for your time and happy bidding.

You will be bidding for

3x large manzanita stump
1 x small manzanita stump on slate
4 x manzanita branch

Contact Information
Advertiser: Daniel
Telephone: 07723364219
Town: Blackpool
County: Lancashire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/08/11 Views: 3331]

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