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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  6 Foot Tank For Swap/Sell

Description: Hi I'm offering my tank for swap or sell. It's acrylic, and in good condition with only a few small scratches. It is 6 foot high, octagon shape, about 1.5 foot across. It has an air pump and light built in (no bulb however), and some gravel with it. And if I get the right price, you can have an internal filter rated for 120 litres and a heater as well. Plus it has an electrical board for hardwiring things to it. This tank cost around £1000 when new and will look amazing when fully set up and running.

I am after a tank of around 3foot in length, a juwel rio 125 would be perfect. I am open to other tanks though as long as they are the right size (3-4foot/125-200 litres), and have a lid, a stand would be a huge plus.

Or to sell, I would be looking at offers around £200, bearing in mind the filter, heater, air pump and gravel cost more than £100.

Delivery/Collection is a must I'm afraid, I'm not being lazy, it's just I have no car. I am in the horwich area of Bolton.

07854 237000 (text preferable)

Let me know your e-mail address and I will send you pictures it won't let me upload on here for some reason.

Contact Information
Advertiser: James Farrant
Telephone: 07854237000
Town: Bolton
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/07/11 Views: 1336]

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