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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Arcadia Arc 35L - London - £35

Description: I have for sale a 35L Arcadia Arc tank which I have upgraded the light to for a luminaire with legs, containing 3x T5 lights.
I still have the original filter which hasn't been used and the glass cover to the tank which fits even with the luminaire on.

In very good condition, only 18months old and I've upgraded to a larger tank. A few scratces which can't be seen unless your nose it up to the tank and it has no water in it.

The pictures show how it was set up at the beginning before I replaced the light and how it is now that it is empty.

This is usually £65 brand new, so I'm offering £35 for collection only due to it being a glass tank and you get better quality lighting.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Lucy Stratton
Town: London - SW3
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/04/11 Views: 1330]

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