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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  malawi set up .

Description: juwel trigon 350 and stand

i am selling our lovelly set up . juwel trigon 350 with stand. you will also be getting a external filter with this . this is great it keeps the water crystal clear . also crushed corol that makes it look stunning better than sand or gravel as there is lots of large pieces of rockery with a egyptian building these are great hiding places for the fish to go through hide and play .

you will be getting a full set up of lake malawi fish theres about 30 of these all diffrent breeds these fish cost us over £200.00. all bright colours blue white yellow black.

then u have catfish thats black in colour .

there is also a large lobster that lives in the rock. he loves his prawns

you will be getting a great setup with stunning fish .

the only damage to this item is a slight crack in the door of the cabinet but this is only used to store items in not that noticable anyway .

also some scratches to the glass.ths comes with juwel lights but also a blue light fitted it looks lovelly with either the normal lighting on or you can have the blue lighting on that looks very relaxing .

you are wellcome to come around and view this set up .

any qwestions please ask im happy to help .

£400.00 ono nottingham . please email me im happy to send pictures to u

Contact Information
Advertiser: heather
Telephone: 07852337594
Town: nottingham
County: nottinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/11/08 Views: 1667]

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