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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  5 foot tropical fish tank with Fish, decorations, and equiptment

Description: I have for sale, a stunning fully set up tropical fish tank, with plants, decorations, lights, filters, and most importantly over 80 different fishes. It’s a communal tank, and all the fish are healthy and well looked after. I am only selling due to a house move, and unfortunately it will not fit!
The tank is just over a year old, and is 5 foot wide, with a depth of 18 inches, and a height of 2 foot 5 inches. It is on a stand with a cupboard to hide the bigger external filter, then there is a smaller internal filter, two tube lights in the lid, There is also red LCD lights for night time, a heater, rocks, hiding tubes and pots, plants and a stunning collection of fish, from tetras, to more unusual pulchers and cat fishes.

The whole set up is worth over £1200, but because I need to sell it urgently, I will accept and sensible offers around £500.
Buyer must collect, and please be aware that the tank is very heavy even when empty!!

For more information or pictures please call or email

Contact Information
Advertiser: Kathy
Telephone: 07972214928
Town: Stockport
County: Cheshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/09/08 Views: 2262]

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