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Home :: Marine Fish

  Nanno Phytoplankton!

Description: This Advert is for 1 bottle of Natural Live Phytoplankton.

Each bottle is 500ml and is roughly one weeks supply of phytoplankton.

It is an ideal food for all filter feeders such as Fan worms, sponges soft corals and many more.

All phytoplankton is developed personally in my own home and has been used for a year on my own tank and many friends!

Phytoplankton is a crucial part in feeding many species in your tank enhancing your tank and also in nutrient cycling!!

How to feed:

If you have little time like many people you may just shake the phyto and add it straight into the tank. This however is not as slack as it sounds, you are feeding your tank just not allowing the phyto as much time in the tank as it could have.

An alternative more time consuming method would be to turn your skimmers off and leave the phyto in the water for at least an hour before turning the skimmers back on. An optimum time to feed your tank is when your halide or daylight lights are off so all creatures that feed at night will reap the benefits to!!

Not only that but it is an expensive necessity so grab a bottle for only £4.00!!

Any questions or queries don't hesitate to ask just click the ask seller button or if I do not reply try

remember any questions just ask!!!!

Kind Regards Terry!!

if you want a bottle please pay by paypal to with a note of your address please pay 6.50 for 500ml bottles to allow for postage.

If you want to send a chq or postal order please do to Terry Anderson
55 Hectorage Road
Kent TN9 2DH

Contact Information
Advertiser: terry
Telephone: 07793036698
Town: tonbridge
County: kent

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/04/05 Views: 2357]

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