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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Very Rare Aquarium Fish! - Malayan Leaffish, (Nandid)

Description: Very rare chance to own a group of Pristolepis fasciata, these fish are healthy and robust they have wonderful characters which are similar to the less aggressive Cichlids. Their colours are subtle but still attractive with pink's green's mauve's and yellow's over a grey base which they alter with their mood.
These fish would be ideal for the enthusiast who would appreciate there subtle beauty and rarity in the aquarium hobby. I have 6 in total which vary from about 3.5 – 6 inches in size. They are not fussy feeders and are currently eating flake, pellet, prawn and freeze dried foods.
I have kept them in a well planted large aquarium with other community fish large enough not to be eaten. They prefer a planted tank where they can have a small territory of there own, I would not consider them territorial but they do seem to have their own plant, with 1 single Alpha fish controlling the group. Very little aggression between them. The Alpha which is slightly larger than the others has repeatedly built a spawning nest, but I think the others have a little more growing to do before real breeding is attempted, they would make a wonderful challenge for a breeding project.

£40 for the whole group or £10 each Buyer Must Collect.

Call 01329 221709 (Fareham, Hampshire)

Contact Information
Advertiser: Charlotte
Telephone: 01329 221709
Town: Fareham
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/09/07 Views: 2438]

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