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Home :: Discus

  Professional discus breeder selling up fish house and livestock

Description: Hi All

I've decided that its time to sell up my fish shop and I'm now looking to sell everything. I need to sell the live stock first - I am a renowned Discus breeder and have been breeding fish for a number of years and have had several babies over the years from my breeding pairs.
I am looking to retire and want the easy life so I have the following for sale:

I have 10+ 5 1/2 inch Discus in various colours & breeds
plus several other fish in various sizes and patterns.

I am currently running a system with over 3000 litres of water and various professional grade filters, heaters, pumps etc as well as decent size show tanks and breeding tanks.

Please give me a call to discuss, for the right price I'm happy for you to buy the whole lot, the fish, and the fish room!

I'm located in Andover so this is spitting distance from the M3, A303 and A34

My name is Robin and I'm always happy to chat on the phone, please give me a call on 07908 155113 - please don't text as I prefer to speak in person!

This sale is on behalf of Robin

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dave
Town: winchester
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/05/16 Views: 2033]

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