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Home :: Discus

  9 Discus (incl 2 matched pairs) for sale in East Yorkshire - new price

Description: 01/09/08 - to sell these fish quickly, I will accept £200 for all of them. If I do not sell in the next day or so I will list them individually on ebay. They are lovely fish and a bargain.
Due to time wasters these fish are still available. I could do to sell them ASAP and for a reasonable offer I can throw in some additional fish.
Due to work commitments I am selling the contents of my discus show tank. There are a total of 9 discus (with two matched / breeding pairs), all of which are very nice fish. They ALL feed well on all foods (flake, prima, beefheart and occasional frozen blood worm). They are kept in a mix of 75% RO and 25% tapwater, with a PH of 6.5ish. The fish are wormed approximately once a month.

The following fish are for sale:

6.5inch Red Turquoise Male (truly massive fish and part of a breeding pair)
5.5inch Red Turquoise Female (lovely round shape and part of the above breeding pair)
5.5inch Blue Diamond (lovely shape and very colourful – part of a breeding pair)
5.5 inch Turquoise (not 100% perfect shape, but lovely fish non-the-less with excellent colouration – part of the above breeding pair with the blue diamond)
4 – 4.5inch Brilliant Turquoise (Stunning colouration and lovely shape – one of the alpha fish!)
4inch Snakeskin (colours really starting to form – lovely fish).
3.5+ Blue Diamond (very nice and very active fish).
2x 4 inch Red Turquoise (growing like mad and very greedy eaters. Some very nice colours indeed).

Just so that I am being honest, the breeding pairs have not raised any young as yet (although the Red Turq pair are in cycle now) due to the presence of the other fish I think.

They really nice very nice fish and I would prefer to sell them as a job lot and at the moment I am open to offers.
Would accept £220 for all 9 or make me an offer.

Please free to e-mail: or call 07843 440616 with any questions. Many thanks.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ross Ferguson
Telephone: 01482 646927
Town: Hessle
County: East Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/09/08 Views: 2844]

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