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  Soon seeking live rock and cuc and maybe mature water if someone shutting down

Description: Got a set up ready and waiting end of the month getting the last few bits I need then guna been ready for water and rock so planning on buying saltwater from a shop

So if someone selling rock around 15kg and I could take sand and water too if it helps ya as will speed things up for me

Anyone. Has or going to have some for sale then please give me a shout and maybe we can sort something looking to pay £5 a kilo for decent stuff ....

I’ve studied and worked in the trade for years so I know my stuff so please don’t try chat rubbish as I’ll know but if you got decent stuff please message me few pics and we’ll go from there

Looking for around 15kg of rock nice pieces for aqua scraping maybe will pay more

Also would happily take 10-12 kg of sand and around 100-150 litres of water if available same again will pay if it’s quality

Hopefully hear from you soon

07956898391 bill

Contact Information
Advertiser: Bill
Telephone: 07956898391
Town: Harrow
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/01/20 Views: 805]

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