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Description: For sale 1year old Aquaone Aquareef 275ltr Cube £900 new. I am selling this specialist Marine set up as I have just upgraded to a larger tank. It is a great tank and comes complete and ready for marines. The tank is empty and comes with all the standard equipment but I will also throw in an additional powerhead and an aquaray LED all blue strip that will really bring out some of the colours in the corals as well as moonlight effect at night. Empty, all cleaned and ready for collection.

Below is the description taken from the web:The new AquaReef from Aqua One are a new bench mark in purpose designed aquariums for all salt water fish keepers. Constructed totally from non corrosive materials including alloy space frame cabinet with plastic panels these truly are designed to resist everything salt can throw at it.

Each model is supplied fully assembled with built in overflow weir, plumbing and pipe work as well as a purpose designed sump. The sump houses all the essential equipment needed to run a marine system. This includes a circulation pump, filtration media, heater and efficient protein skimmer, there is plenty of room to get as technical as you like. The all new patented lighting system provides the essential lighting requirements for most reef keepers.

Purpose designed for saltwater tanks, Complete marine set up.
Built-in sump and all technical equipment included
Efficient pump driven protein skimmer
Patented T5 lighting system
Cabinet made from non-corrosive alloy frame and plastic panels
Cabinet delivered preassembled Pipework preassembled
Technical Specification
Total water volume 275l
Heating 2 x 200watt
Lighting 4 x T5
Sump filter

Aquarium size 70 x 70 x 77cm high
Cabinet 70 x 70 x 79cm high
Aquarium, Cabinet and equipment in black finish

This is offered as a complete, fully equipped marine aquarium, cabinet and equipment, ready for the internal decor of choice to be added.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Paul
Telephone: 07595715525
Town: Solihull
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/03/13 Views: 2412]

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