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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  RARE Beautiful Dragon Moray Eel for sale

Description: We have for sale a beautiful Dragon Moray Eel that is roughly 18inches long.
This amazing fish is for experienced Marine fishkeepers only, and still has a bit of growing to do as yet!
It will eat crustaceans, and there is also a risk to any small fish - even though he is currently being kept in the same tank as some small fish due to being fed regularly.

These fish are notoriously difficult to start feeding in Aquariums, but ours will eat defrosted smelt from tongs (or your fingers if you're brave enough) and gets 2 big feeds per week.

This fish needs a LARGE aquarium, and should be given plenty of live rock for hiding places, though it will sit with it's head poking out a lot of the time.

The price is £700 and if you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to phone our store.

Our opening times are:

Monday-Saturday: 9.00-18.00
Sunday: 10.30-16.30

Store address:

Maidenhead Aquatics @Bold Heath
Wyevale Garden Centre
Mill Lane Bold Heath
Widnes, Cheshire

We look forward to giving this beautiful fish a new home.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Maidenhead Aquatics
Telephone: 0151 424 9490
Town: Bold Heath
County: Merseyside

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/05/12 Views: 3986]

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