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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Ikola, blu Point and two Bemba FlameTropheus

Description: Hi there.

I have approx 12 Ikola, 12 Blu point and 2 Bemba Flame Tropheus that I intended to use for breeding, I bought them all as very small fry that I ordered in from abroad. Sadly I've just got a new job and will be moving soon so I'm going to have to sell them. I'd prefer who buys either of the Ikola or Blu point to keep the 12 together as they prefer groups and they've grown together. I'm looking at about £10-15 per fish but we can also come to a deal. they range from half inch to an inch and a half and are still taking colour, although you can clearly see who the dominant ones. The Ikola are really starting to show, the Blu point are taking a little longer. The two Bemba Flame are also really showing there colours please email me if you would like more details.


Contact Information
Advertiser: craig
Telephone: 07565143475
Town: cowfold
County: Sussex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/01/14 Views: 1248]

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