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1wanted apistoes :looking for any apistoes adult or fry22/05/03
2Marine full set up 5x2x2 :A professionaly built drilled closed loop marine set up worth £2,000. Some fish, ehime. Desparate to sell due to space. Want to sell with ...08/03/03
3Blue Diamonds and Pigeon Bloods :Beautiful Diamonds and Pigeons with High finnage. See pictures attached: Diamonds aprox 3" £20 each, Pigeons aprox 4" £30 each. Leopard ...12/02/03
4Traingle fishtank - PHOTO :Triangle fish tank with cabinet 18 " deep x 36" (face) x 27". with air pump, gravel heater and internal fluval. £100, with african chiclids ...08/02/03
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